We have got a bit of another set back to the experiments. Other than time management I found out last night that my range was not working properly; while trying to make a grand supper for our 2 year anniversary. And knowing how busy I'll be on Valentines Day with orders, I was trying to have it super special.
That was a fail. I had cooked the chicken in the crock pot along with tomatoes for the sauce. I went to finish it all up on the stove. Steaming the carrots, putting the tomatoes in a pot to make a sauce, boiling water for pasta and, heating the oven up to bake some brownies.
Well we figured out there was a problem when my water wasn't boiling. The first time it wasn't boiling I had a blonde moment where I hadn't had the stove on. This time he looked at it and it was on high and the coils weren't even red! Then we checked the oven that I had preheating. It wasn't warming up right either
Well my brownies were all ready to be baked, so I cleaned the crock pot and poured them in there. looked online for some guidance; and ended up with burnt edges and liquid middle... another fail.
While pulling the stove out and messing with that he noticed the furnace blower was acting up as well. So he unplugged the stove and we went on. I tried to start the dryer and when I pushed the button the blower would make a horrible sound. Well there goes the washer (I'm assuming) and dryer too!
It has to be something electrical; we unplugged the washer and dryer and went to bed. This morning the thermostat was at 58!! I shut it off since it was obviously not working right!
Now we are going to be running on space heaters more than usual (we have an older farm house that doesn't hold heat well in the first place) and looking for an electrician to fix all this!
Hopefully before we know it everything will be up and running and I can get back to baking!